GCSE English Poetry AQA Anthology Moon on the tides (character and voice poems analysed) Free download as Word Doc (. The anthology includes poems under the heading Moon on the Tides and prose under the heading Sunlight AQA Anthology for GCSE; GCSE Poetry LIve. Moon on the Tides (Poetry Anthology) The poems in this section have been chosen by teachers and examiners to appeal to a range of students. Buy Moon on the Tides: The AQA GCSE Poetry Anthology a Guide for Students by David Wheeler (eBook) online at Lulu. Visit the Lulu Marketplace for product details. Buy Moon on the Tides: The Aqa Gcse Poetry Anthology a Guide for Students by David Wheeler (ISBN: ) from Amazon's Book Store. Moon on the Tides has 10 ratings and 1 review. Sarah said: I think I didn't really like this book because it just reminds me of the exams I have to do us Jan 02, 2014Moon on the Tides: The AQA GCSE Poetry Anthology a Guide for Students, David Wheeler, Lulu Enterprises Incorporated, 2011, , , 328. Aqa Anthology: Moon on the Tides: Philip Allan Literature Guides for GCSE and Alevel will help you develop the knowledge and skills you need to achieve your best. For English Literature at GCSE level on the AQA board of examiners, here is a list of the poems from the 'Mood on the Tides' poetry anthology analysed. A selection of revision cards for the first five poems in the AQA Poetry Anthology: 'Moon on the Tides. A detailed and comprehensive guide to all sixty poems in the AQA Poetry Anthology. Each poem is carefully explained in its context and then minutely analysed. Browse and Read Moon On The Tides The Aqa Gcse Poetry Anthology A Guide For Students Moon On The Tides The Aqa Gcse Poetry Anthology A Guide For Students The Digital Anthology is a free, interactive poetry and prose collection for teachers of our legacy GCSE English specification (4700), with final exams in 2015. Moon on the Tides AQA anthology Revision notes Powerpoint Slides in this set. Moon on the Tides Poetry GCSE English Literature AQA Anthology. A secondary school revision resource for GCSE English Literature about poems on the theme of 'Relationships. TES English Poetry Revision AQA GCSE Anthology Moon on the Tides Poetry Across Time This is an index of poems contained in the AQA Poetry Anthology, Moon on the Tides, used for the exams in GCSE English, English Language, and English Literature. Free English Teaching Resources AQA GCSE Poetry Moon on the Tides. Eight illustrated epoetry booklets covering each cluster in the AQA GCSE poetry anthology. A detailed and comprehensive guide to all sixty poems in the AQA Poetry Anthology. Each poem is carefully explained in its context and then minutely analysed. Moon on the Tides: The Aqa Gcse Poetry Anthology a Guide for Students [David Wheeler on Amazon. FREE shipping on qualifying offers. uk: aqa anthology moon on the tides. uk Try Prime All Moon on the Tides: The Aqa Gcse Poetry Anthology a Guide for Students 7 Aug 2011.