The Paperback of the Goosebumps Most Wanted Special Edition# 1: Zombie Halloween by R. Find great deals for Goosebumps Most Wanted Special Edition: The Haunter 4 by R. Stine (2016, Paperback, Special). Goosebumps Most Wanted was a series of Goosebumps books written by R. It began in 2012, and ended in 2016. The series contained 10 main series books, 4 Special Edition books, and a standalone book, Goosebumps Wanted: The Haunted Mask. The Haunter (Goosebumps Most Wanted Special Edition# 4) (R. Sammy Baker is a quiet kid who wishes he wasn't so shy and timid. The Haunter (Goosebumps Most Wanted: Special Edition# 4) Kindle edition by R. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or tablets. The Haunter (Goosebumps Most Wanted Special Edition# 4) [R. FREE shipping on qualifying offers. Sammy Baker is a quiet kid who wishes he. Most Wanted Goosebumps villains are out on the loose and they Goosebumps Most Wanted: Special Edition# 2 The 12 Screams Goosebumps Wanted: The Haunted Mask. The Haunter is the fourth and final book in the Goosebumps Most Wanted: Special Edition book series. It was proceeded by Here Comes the Shaggedy and followed by The Lizard of Oz. The cover is a black and white shot of the Marple House. The Haunter has 111 ratings and 16 reviews. Josiah said: Now this is closer to what I'd expect from the original Goosebumps series. Concluding the Most W Description. Buy The Haunter (Goosebumps Most Wanted Special Edition# 4) by R. Most Wanted Goosebumps characters are out on the loose just in time for Halloween in a super special edition! Sammy Baker, 12, is a quiet kid who wishes he wasn't so. The Haunter (Goosebumps Most Wanted Special Edition# 4) (Paperback) Books, Fiction Literature eBay. Goosebumps Most Wanted Special Edition# 04: The Haunter has 1 reviews and 0 ratings. Reviewer lolsomebuldog wrote: I just love me some goosebumps The infamous, Most Wanted Goosebumps characters are out on the loose and after you. Just in time for Halloween, a super special edition! The infamous Most Wanted Goosebumps characters are out on the loose and after you. Just in time for Halloween, a super special edition! The infamous, Most Wanted Goosebumps characters are out on the loose and after you. Just in time for Halloween, a super special edition! Goosebumps Most Wanted Wanted: The Haunted Mask: July 1, Note: This is final book of the Goosebumps Most Wanted series. Sammy's body is taken over by a ghost called The Haunter, who wants to make Sammy a Goosebumps Most Wanted Special Edition# 4 The Haunter. Read The Haunter (Goosebumps Most Wanted: Special Edition# 4) by R. The infamous, Most Wanted Goosebumps characters are out on the loose. Goosebumps Most Wanted Special Edition: The Haunter. Sammy Baker is a quiet kid who wishes he wasn't so shy and timid. He is frightened but eager to prove he can be. The Paperback of the The Haunter (Goosebumps Most Wanted: Special Edition# 4) by R.