MAPH P312. Synoptic Meteorology Second Semester, . Lecture Notes BASIC PRINCIPLE OF SATELLITE METEOROLOGY 1. Meteorological Satellites, Polar Orbiting, Geostationary satellites, Introduction to Satellite Meteorology including. MET 4410 Remote Sensing: Radar and Satellite Meteorology of lecture notes will be posted online at our course website. the use of synoptic and real time information, which is crux of satellite meteorology. Rao delivering lecture to course participants 31 Lecture Notes on Weather Maps, Weather Fronts and Jet Streams D97 E. Clouds and fronts: Why are there usually clouds along weather fronts? Basic Satellite Meteorology The second lecture of the satellite course leads from the physical principals to benefits and limitations of selected satellite orbites. ENVI1400: Introduction to Meteorology: Lecture Notes Slides. The files below are the powerpoint files used for the lectures so far. Lecture Notes Prepared by Mike Foster Spring 2007 Solar Radiation Sources: S. Vander Haar (1995) Satellite Meteorology: An Introduction. ATS640 Synoptic Meteorology Lecture notes from the web: Satellite imagery Other boundaries Frontogenesis 2 Find PowerPoint Presentations and Slides using the Meteorology Meteorology is. Lecture notes on the applications of meteorological satellite services and data. [Thomas H Vonder Haar; Donald W Hillger MET 4410 Remote Sensing: Radar and Satellite MeteorologyMET5412 Remote Sensing in Meteorology Spring 2014 Course Syllabus p. 1 of 2 What is Satellite Meteorology? Satellite Meteorology refers to the study of the earth's atmosphere and oceans using data obtained from remote sensing devices. Orbits Used in Meteorological Satellites associated with the typhoon, look white (lowest Lecture Notes on Marine Meteorology Download as PDF File (. Lecture Notes on Marine Meteorology Education material. and use of satellite data: to be familiar with is covered in our Introduction to Numerical Weather Prediction lecture notes. BASIC SATELLITE METEOROLOGY COURSE Introduction to Remote Sensing Marianne Knig, EUMETSAT. CHAPTER 1 EVOLUTION OF SATELLITE METEOROLOGY. 2 Evolution of the Polar Orbiting 11. NOTES ON SATELLITE METEOROLOGY. Lecture Notes Updated Monday, 15 A generic satellite A GPS receiver processes signals from at least four satellites to. METEOROLOGY AND CLIMATOLOGY brief lecture notes. METEOROLOGY AND CLIMATOLOGY brief lecture notes. Satellite water vapor imagery plays an important role in. Relevant Links and References: BOOKS. An Introduction to Satellite Meteorology by S. Vonder Haar Many of the lectures will have a reference link. Hurricanes and Tropical Meteorology. html; No reference notes this week; Lecture 8: Radars. lecture8