Blythswood Shoe Box Appeal Blythswood are looking for help with the work involved in their annual Shoe Box Appeal. Danny Muschate writes: We have shoebox sorting at. The Blythswood Shoebox Appeal will be held in Lewis and Harris on Thursday November 9th, 3. 30pm6 pm; Friday 10th, 3pm7pm; and Saturday 11th November 10am12 noon. Blythswood Care Shoebox Appeal. Members of the congregation donate items throughout the year to create shoeboxes with items which are then given to Blythswood who. Our church has supported the Blythswood shoe box appeal for over 11 years now. Each year the members of our congregation donate. Over the last few weeks the Roffe Swayne team have been busy filling shoeboxes with gifts for Blythswood Shoebox appeal as part of their Christmas appeal. Blythswood Care Shoebox Appeal 2016. One of our main charitable commitments, and certainly the largest, is to the Blythswood Care Christmas Shoe box Appeal. BLYTHSWOOD SHOE BOX APPEAL Why fill a shoe box Some people have so little that the things we take for granted are luxuries that they can't afford to buy. Jul 06, 2015See the faces of people who receive shoeboxes and hear from our partners who distribute them. A box can mean so much to those who. In 2015, Blythswood Romania collected over 2700 shoeboxes in Cluj, Bucharest, Targu Mures and Jimbolia. These were then distributed to those in need throughout those. We are now less than 4 weeks away from the start of the Blythswood Care Shoebox Appeal 2014. Last years successful run within one week will not be repeated owing. Shoe Box Appeal in 2016, enabling Blythswood to gather and distribute 121, 474 shoeboxes. We are supporting the 21st Blythswood Shoe Box Appeal for 2014. Please return filled shoe boxes to the Church by Sunday 9th November. In November, we finished off packing and picking up shoe boxes for the Blythswood Box Appeal! We handed in 47 completed shoe boxes, a big box of extra bit These pages hold the planning information for the Blythswood Care Shoe Box Appeal 2016, in so far as it applies to Craigmillar Park Church, which operates the sorting. Blythswood Launches 2015 Shoebox Appeal. Blythswood Care has launched its 2015 Shoe Box Appeal with the release of a new video, 'What a box can mean In the video, seven people from Romania and Bulgaria talk of the joy and happiness that. Donate a shoe box this year and bring happiness and joy to children in need. The Nicolson Institute has for many years supported the annual Blythswood Shoe Box Appeal. It is an excellent opportunity to support those living in poverty or facing. 4, 851 likes Blythswood Care shared Blythswood A huge thank you to everyone who supported the Blythswood Care Shoebox appeal. Blythswood Care provides practical help, and support for those in need. Appeals include: Christmas shoeboxes, relief and development aid, the Highland Foodbank. Jul 25, 2017Make someone happy this Christmas by filling a shoebox. Blythswood can guarantee that your box will go to someone who really needs it and will be overjoyed. Christian charity Blythswood Care celebrated the 20th anniversary of its Shoe Box Appeal this year. 6 million shoe boxes have been distributed. Blythswood Shoebox Appeal 2015 We collected 14 shoeboxes for Blythswoods 2015 Shoebox Appeal. Thank you to so many of you who donated full shoeboxes,