Lecretia's Choice. A Story of Love, Death and the Law. Lecretias Choice is not only a moving love story but compulsory reading for everyone who cares about the. A successful young lawyer in Wellington, Lecretia Seales met and fell in love with Matt Vickers in 2003. In Lecretias Choice, Matt tells the story of their Fishpond Australia, Lecretia's Choice: A Story of Love, Death and the Law by Matt Vickers. Buy Books online: Lecretia's Choice: A Story of Love, Death and the Law. Lecretia's Choice: A Story of Love, Death and the Law. Lecretias Choice: A Story of Love, Death and the Law is her story as told by her husband Matt Vickers. It is their story, their love story, their struggle through fertility issues and treatments to Lecretias diagnosis and then the legal battle. Lecretia's Choice by Matt Vickers in Books with free delivery over 60 at Australia's biggest online bookstore Angus Robertson A Story of Love, Death and the Law. Lecretia's Choice: A Story of Love, Death and the Law by Matt Vickers by Elizabeth Heritage 09 September, 2016 A husband writes a love letter to the wife who. Lecretia's Choice by Matt Vickers, , available at Book Depository with free delivery worldwide. Buy Lecretia's Choice: A Story of Love, Death and the Law: Read 7 Kindle Store Reviews Amazon. A husband's story about his respected, beautiful and terminallyill lawyer wife, who campaigned for the right to die with dignity. In Lecretias Choice, Matt tells the story of their life together, and how it changed when his proud, Lecretia's Choice: A Story of Love, Death and the Law A poignant love story and a fiercely Lecretias Choice is about the life but more and not to suffer unnecessarilybut the law denied her that choice. Lecretia's Choice: A Story of Love, Death and the Law [Matt Vickers on Amazon. FREE shipping on qualifying offers. A brave, intimate book, both agonizing. Lecretia's choice: a story of love, death and the law. [Matt Vickers A successful young lawyer in Wellington, Lecretia Seales met and. In Lecretias Choice, Matt tells the story of Lecretia's Choice A Story of Love, Death and not to suffer unnecessarilybut the law denied her that choice. Buy Lecretia's Choice: A Story of Love, Death and the Law from Dymocks online BookStore. Find latest reader reviews and much more at Dymocks A successful young lawyer in Wellington, Lecretia Seales met and fell in love with Matt Vickers in 2003. In Lecretias Choice, Matt tells the story of their life. Lecretias Choice: A Story of Love Death and the Law. There is also a review of the book Lecretias Choice: A Story of Love, Death and the Law by Matt. Buy Lecretia's Choice: A Story of Love, Death and the Law by Matt Vickers from Boffins Books in Perth, Australia. Softcover, published in 2016 by Text Publishing. The NOOK Book (eBook) of the Lecretia's Choice: A Story of Love, Death and the Law by Matt Vickers at Barnes Noble. Kinokuniya Sydney offers a large range of books with over 300, 000 titles in English, Japanese, Chinese, French and German.