Oracle Provider for OLE DB OLE DB is a Microsoft data access standard accessed through ActiveX Data Objects (ADO), Visual C, and any client that can use OLE DB. Oracle provider is not registered on the local machine. you will see an Oracle provider listed called Microsoft OLE DB Provider for Oracle. The Oracle Provider for OLE DB (. 0) allows distributed queries on data in Oracle databases. Support for the Oracle Provider for OLE DB is as follows. Apr 28, 2017Microsoft OLE DB for Oracle. 2015 they are unable to connect to the Oracle 10G Database via OLE DB using Native OLE DB\Microsoft OLE DB Provider for Oracle. 64bit Oracle Data Access Components 64bit Oracle Provider for OLE DB. 0: 64bit Oracle Services for Microsoft Transaction Server. Oracle Provider for OLE DB Developers Guide 11g Release 2 (11. 2) for Microsoft Windows E July 2013 Microsoft OLE DB Provider for Oracle connection strings Connects to. This connection string uses a provider from Microsoft. Feb 02, 2009We have a user that needs to connect to an oracle database using Microsoft OLE DB Provider for Oracle Sep 02, 2010If your question is how to install the Microsoft OLE DB driver for Oracle, you get it as part of MDAC (Microsoft Data Access Components) here. Describes how to set up a linked server from a computer that is running Microsoft SQL Server to an Oracle database. Microsoft OLE DB Provider for Oracle and. Aug 27, 2002I'm trying to insert a record in a Oracle Table and when I submited it sends me this error. Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers error ' e57' ORA. in addition to nonMicrosoft database products such as Oracle. The Microsoft ODBC Provider, ADO is used with version 1. 0 of the Microsoft OLE DB Provider for. Oct 17, 2003The Microsoft ODBC Driver for Oracle (MSORCL32. DLL) version (and earlier versions) and the Microsoft OLE DB Provider for Oracle (MSDAORA. Oracle Provider for OLE DB Developer's Guide 12c Release 2 (12. 2) for Microsoft Windows E April 2017 Selected forums Clear. How do I install drivers for Microsoft OLEDB provider for Oracle so that connection (Microsoft OLE DB Provider for Oracle). Oct 02, 2013Creating a Linked Server for Oracle in Microsoft SQL Server Management about the cannot create an instance of ole db provider oraoledb. I read that Oracle Provider for OLE DB is included as part of the Oracle installation, Oracle client if you run a 32bit Java Virtual Machine on Microsoft Windows. NET Data Provider can utilize OraOLEDB as the OLE DB Provider for accessing Oracle. The Microsoft OLE DB Provider for Oracle allows distributed queries on data in Oracle databases. Instead, use Oracles OLE DB provider. The Microsoft OLE DB Provider for Oracle allows ADO to access Oracle databases. Sep 16, 2013Hi, the Microsoft OLE DB Provider for Oracle is deprecated, but yet present in SSIS 2012. The Oracle version is 11g R2 (is it important the edition? Mar 09, 2015The Microsoft OLE DB Provider for Oracle allows ADO to access Oracle databases.