Nov 24, 2007Video embeddedLong John Nebel (born John Zimmerman) (June 11, 1911 April 10, 1978) was an influential New York City talk radio show host. Feb 12, 2010Video embeddedLong John Nebel radio show came after Jean Shepherd for many years on WOR Radio in New York City. Thanks Lowell for saving this gem. Enjoy instant download MP3 files of great UFO audio interviews and performances including Long John Nebel, Open Minds Radio by Bill Jenkins, and several special. Download MP3 song Long Long John Nebel Radio program The Party Line Feb 7, 1958 Part 1. Listen and download other songs of Long without registration for free. Long John Nebel Flying Saucer Story music MP3 album at CD Universe, enjoy top rated service and worldwide shipping. this listing is for 3 episodes of long john nebel on 1 mp3 cd. Long John Nebel Show MP3 download. Long John's show was the Grandaddy of every ufo conspiracy talk show that has come along since and featured among others. The Flying Saucer Story Long John Nebel Downloadable Audio MP3 Quantity in Basket: none Code: U627D Price: 2. 99 Watch videoLong John Nebel with the Party Line: Long John Nebel was the precursor of Art Bell the program, Nebel was a hugely popular allnight radio host. Long John Nebel (born John Zimmerman; June 11, 1911 April 10, 1978) was an influential New York City talk radio show host. From the mid1950s until his death in. Walter Martin and Hugh Schonfield The Passover Plot 1965 on The Long John Nebel Show source: bringyou. to file ext: mp3 Long John Nebel. Please note that the audio quality is not up to current standards. Some of these recordings are copies from a private. Download MP3 song Shadows Producing Long John Nebel w Paris Flammonde. Listen and download other songs of Shadows without registration for free. test Audiotype Spoken word (interviews, readings, etc) Datecreated 1958. Long John Nebel Strangers From Space music MP3 album at CD Universe, enjoy top rated service and worldwide shipping. Download Long John Nebel Pranks Mp3 Online. Long John Nebel Pranks at MusicFinder music search engine. Tons of songs to listen online or download directly on your. Jun 08, 2012Tonight I take a gander at Long John Nebel, the first pathfinder for Paranormal Radio and a legendary one to boot. In this episode he hosts the 9. All The Surviving Broadcasts Of The Original Overnight Radio UFO And Paranormal Talk Show Host! Over 64 Hours Packed Into 45 MP3s. Explore ParanormalWorld and get information on all paranormal activity and UFOs, also get the latest news about aliens and the unexplained. June 17, 2013 Be the first to review this item. 99 Get 3 months of Unlimited for 0. Buy The Flying Saucer Story, Pt. 1: Read Digital Music Reviews Amazon. com Long John Nebel Finally Presents the FLYING SAUCER STORY. From the mid 1950s until his death in 1978, Nebel was a hugely popular all