Can you improve the answer. Dura lex sed lex is Latin for the law is harsh but it is the law. Examples would be disproportionately large sentences for drug crimes compared to violent crimes, or in some opinions the use of the. The latest Tweets from Dura Lex, Sed Lex (@DuraSedLex). Contudo, impactantes, pois, quando pronunciadas, mudaram o decurso da histria. Business Biography History; Dura Lex Sed Lex: Concept and Application The phrase Dura Lex Sed Lex originated in the 11th century as a principle of cannon. Legal definition for DURA LEX SED LEX: The law may be harsh, but such is the law. A maxim of Roman civil law meaning that, however regrettable the outcome of the Dura lex sed lex. Dura lex sed lex is a Latin term that means. USLegal Home Definitions Home Information View All; Dura Lex Sed Lex Law and Legal Definition. DURA LEX, SED LEX (La foule sans nom. ) Retrouvez de nombreux proverbes latins, citations et locutions latines AbcLettres. dura lex sed lex the law may be harsh but it is the law. Dura lex sed lex is Latin for the law is harsh but it is the law. Examples would be disproportionately large sentences for drug crimes compared to violent crimes, or in some opinions the use of the death penalty in general. Oct 09, 2009I read and hared in a court transcript of Principle of Dura Lex Sed Lex. In the legal terminology, What does this Principle mean. Dura lex, sed lex according to the free Latin Dictionary. The law is harsh, but it is the law Dura lex, sed lex# law# logic# latin# greek# philosophy. by KatsuyoriTakeda September 09, 2009. Free shipping on Dura lex, sed lex mugs! Search for Dura lex sed lex on Amazon. Connect with IMDb Clear your history. Find showtimes, watch trailers. dura lex, sed lex translation in LatinEnglish dictionary How can the answer be improved. Autors Jordi Graells, Mireia Plana Departament deJustcia Dura lex, sed lex En aquest article els autors es proposen explicar les lnies generals que Dura Lex Sed Lex is on Facebook. Join Facebook to connect with Dura Lex Sed Lex and others you may know. Facebook gives people the power to share and Dura Lex, Sed Lex. The law is harsh, but it is the law. This is the literal meaning of the Latin legal. term Dura lex, sed Lex which is well known by those in the legal profession. Dura means hard or harsh, lex is the word for written or customary law or a law. A origem da expreso Dura lex, sed lex est no Imprio Romano quando um importante pensador, ou general foi condenado morte e o Imperador da. Begun in 1008, the materials took Burchard four years to compile. He wrote it while living in a small structure on top of a hill Dura lex, sed lex. Jun 02, 2010This is the plain and simple meaning and implication of the above cited Latin maxim which is well known in a special way by those DURA LEX, SED LEX. 128 rowsList of Latin phrases (D) This page lists English translations of notable Latin phrases, such as veni Meaning from out of the depths of misery or dejection. Dura Lex Sed Lex is on Facebook. Join Facebook to connect with Dura Lex Sed Lex and others you may know. Facebook gives people the power to share and