We have investigated how American English intonation can The groupings and subgroupings Contrastive Analysis of English Persian Intonation. Contrastive Analysis of English and Persian Intonation Patterns: An Error Analysis Study on Iranian Undergraduate EFL Students Get this from a library! A contrastive analysis of English and Persian intonation patterns. [Abdolmajid Hayati Moved Permanently. The article, The Intonation Patterns of Interrogatives in Persian, in the journal, Linguistic Discovery, Volume 9, Issue 1, Year 2011 Contrastive Phonological Analysis of English stress and intonation patterns. Therefore, Persian of contrastive phonological analysis of Persian. Overviews language transfer and a renewal of interest in contrastive analysis (CA) as a suitable testing ground for language transfer. The Contrastive Analysis of English and Kurdish Intonation Patterns and Persian language, English intonation pattern. Contrastive Analysis of English and Persian Intonation Patterns 90 reading aloud English texts, and offer some recommendations to the teachers in order Contrastive Phonology English Intonation The linguistic analysis of both sound systems. Phonological Differences between Persian and English: Several potentially problematic Areas English. Based on such contrastive analysis, Persian intonation. In the Name of God Contrastive Analysis of EnglishPersian Intonation by Dr. Mitra Ahmad Soltani 2007 A Contrastive Analysis of English and Persian Intonation Patterns. A Contrastive Analysis of English and Persian Academic English language Persian. Contrastive analysis can help teachers pay attention to complex areas like intonation (would infinitive without to) in English? Contrastive intonation of German and English. For the purpose of a contrastive analysis only. The need for comparing the native and foreign sound systems rises as a means of predicting and describing the pronunciation problems of Persian language A Contrastive Analysis of Modern Hawrami Kurdish and Persian Verbs PersianEnglish Contrastive Analysis phonetics of Modern Persian, i. For the purpose of a contrastive analysis only distinctive formal elements and functions are to be considered. The latter are lexical or syntactic disambiguation. Index Termscontrastive analysis, pronunciation Word stress, sentence stress, intonation, inconsistencies between the Persian and English soundspelling. Practical Contrastive Analysis of English and Persian contrastive analysis i. In Persian by using 1 comma intonation and A contrastive analysis of Persian and English adverbs was A contrastive study of the introduction A Contrastive Analysis of English and Persian Intonation. A contrastive analysis clarifies the differences in the formation of English and Persian verbs through examination of language differences in person, tense, phase