Watch online and download Danger Girl and the Army of Darkness comic in high quality. Various formats from 240p to 720p HD (or even 1080p). Danger Girl and the Army of Darkness [Andy Hartnell, Cris Bolson on Amazon. FREE shipping on qualifying offers. Danger Girl: Renegade Abbey Chase, the worlds most daring adventuress, returns to action as she aims to recover a dark and mysterious piece of ancient history. Featuring the first epic crossover between Dynamite Entertainment and IDW Publishing! Written by Danger Girl cocreator Andy Hartnell and drawn by Red Sonjas. Don't miss Danger Girl and the Army of Darkness# 1 coming up in April 2011! Danger Girl and the Army of Darkness (2011 Dynamite)# 1E. Danger Girl and the Army of Darkness by Andy Hartnell, , available at Book Depository with free delivery worldwide. Hot on the news that Danger Girl would return to comics in the firsttime DynamiteIDW collaboration Danger Girl and the Army of Darkness, MTV Geek interviewed. Danger Girl: Odd Jobs Danger Girl and the Army of Darkness# 1 Campbell Black and White RI Variant (Danger Girl and the Army of Darkness Renaud Black and White RIVariant, # 1) The big moment finally arrives as Abbey and the Danger Girls come facetoface with Ash, the alleged Chosen One who may be their pivotal weapon in recapturing. Find great deals on eBay for danger girl and the army of darkness and army of darkness 13. Just when you thought they were done with Army of Darkness comic crossoverscomes Danger Girl and the Army of Darkness. Danger Girl and the Army of Darkness is a miniseries currently in publication. It is published Abbey and Ash dig deep into the jungle to unearth a new ally. But when Ash mistakenly and literally disarms their new friend, will he still agree to. The Paperback of the Danger Girl and the Army of Darkness by Andy Hartnell at Barnes Noble. Joe Danger Girl and the Army of Darkness# 6 (Dynamite Entertainment) The Necronomicon Pt. 6 Regular Paul Renaud Cover It all comes down to this! Find great deals on eBay for danger girl army of darkness and dangergirl batman. Danger Girl and the Army of Darkness (# 16) A sixpart crossover with IDW Publishing's Danger Girl characters which began in April, 2011. Danger Girl And The Army of Darkness is a sixissue crossover between Dynamite's Army of Absolute Danger Girl Issue Notes. Danger Girl and the Army of Darkness (Dynamite Entertainment, 2011 series)# 1 [Paul Renaud Variant Cover Army of Darkness. R where he must battle an army of the dead and retrieve the Necronomicon so Constantin Film looking to launch Danger Girl movie and TV. Featuring the first epic crossover between Dynamite Entertainment and IDW Publishing! Written by Danger Girl cocreator Andy Hartnell and drawn by Red Sonjas. Jan 10, 2012Danger Girl and the Army of Darkness has 44 ratings and 11 reviews. Wayne said: A fun mashup of good girl spy group Danger Girl and the wisecracking surv